Housekeeping Tips for Beautiful Flower Arrangements


Published on November 8, 2018

Floral touches make the best first impression! Share on XA good housekeeper should be able to provide your home or boutique hotel with a range of finishing touches. Including flower arrangements. Floristry is an art form! And it takes a significant amount of time to train to be a florist. But with some basic skills, your housekeeper should be able to create flower arrangements for a number of different occasions. Sad, wilting, badly arranged flowers, send out all the wrong signals to your guests. So investing in some basic flower arranging training for your housekeeper will help avoid those situations.

Why are Flowers Important?

Flowers feature in so many different cultures around the world. A true celebration of nature. And a sense of bringing the outside into the home. A flower arrangement provides interest. And due to its transitioning nature can change and alter with the seasons.

Celebrations and festivals are often celebrated with flowers and foliage. Think weddings, birthdays, parties, celebrations of life and symbols of worship. A guest may bring a host a bouquet of flowers as a gift. At this point, your housekeeper should be able to jump in and take over. Perhaps arranging the flowers in a vase for display. Or creating an arrangement for a side table. And a centrepiece for dinner.

Poorly arranged flowers will give the impression that little care and attention has been paid to them. This will then put questions into your guest’s mind. About what else has been missed or not well done.

This is the same with flowers in dirty water or wilting flowers. It is important to lavish care and attention on flowers every day. Removing dead flowers, changing water and checking on them regularly.

First Impressions Count

As any hotel or principle will agree first impressions count. And a beautiful flower arrangement is a great finishing touch. Floral touches need not be expensive either. That is, if your housekeeper has been trained in some basic skills. If the hotel or residence has gardens a large proportion of the materials may be gathered from there and supplemented with bought in or specimen flowers.

The 3 Principle Styles of Flower Arrangement


Here anything goes. A very relaxed style where creativity is set free. This is the personal taste of the person arranging the flowers. There are no hard and fast rules. Although typically arrangements tend to lean more toward an oriental style. Than the traditional or western style.


In this style, the lines created by the items in the display are the focus.

Traditional Or Western

This is characterised by the use of lots and lots of flowers en mass. To create impact and effect.


Basic Forms of Arrangement

Each of the above styles can translate into the typical basic forms of arrangement.

Bouquets, table centrepieces, floral baskets, floral wreaths, vases and pedestals.


Care of Arrangements

As a hotel or principle, you may decide your housekeeper has plenty to do already. So you may look to buy in floral arrangements. Or you may have a special occasion in mind such as a wedding where the design is extremely important. And your housekeeper’s basic skills require supplementing. In this case, your housekeeper should be trained in how to care for those arrangements. So that they continue to be at their peak and optimum for as long as is possible. Good floristry is expensive. But with the correct care and attention arrangements will last as long as possible.

Training a housekeeper in basic floral skills is a very efficient and economic investment. Beautiful flowers help create a lovely ambience. They provide changing interest in a room without the need to redecorate. And they can reflect the changing seasons. Taking the three basic styles of arrangement, the possibilities are limitless. Creating a beautiful space to be in makes all the difference to guest satisfaction. And those all-important recommendations.

Impact of Flowers and Training

Flower arranging for your housekeeper is a must-have skill. Poor flower arranging can have as much of a negative impact as a great one. Those who consider themselves to have had a poor experience are statistically more likely to talk about the experience more. Than those who have a great experience. Reputation is everything. And ensuring your housekeepers have the necessary skills is paramount to avoiding a guest having a poor experience.

How Can Polo & Tweed Help?

Flower arranging for your housekeeper really is an essential skill to have. Polo & Tweed’s housekeeper training covers the basic skills every housekeeper should have to be able to create a basic arrangement. Also, the necessary skills to continue to care for the arrangement or any bought in arrangements. Understanding those all-important finishing touches and how to ensure a principle or guest has the best possible experience.

For further information relating to housekeeper training for private homes , yachts or boutique hotels, Polo & Tweed can provide tailor made training to meet your needs internationally. Call +44(0)203 858 0233 to speak to a training consultant or contact us here.



  1. Watana says:

    Thanks for this blog. I learned a lot from this blog. I love flowers so much. Thanks for these tips you post for us. What a beautiful flower designs and arrangement. I hope you can teach me flower arrangements like that so that I can use it if there is an occasion in our family.

    • mm LucyChallenger says:

      Thank you! We are so pleased you enjoyed our article – if you’d like to join any of our training to learn about flower arranging please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Wishing you a lovely day ahead.

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