Secrets to Giving Good Interview Feedback

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Published on March 10, 2018

Interview feedback gives everybody a chance at success! Share on XRegardless of the type of position you are looking to fill, it is highly likely you’ll have a number of prospective candidates you’ll meet.  As an interviewer you’ll be tasked with getting to know the candidates and establishing very quickly if they might be right (or not right) for the role.  Depending on the size of company, or the type of position, there may be a number of rounds of interviews and assessments or trials for the candidate to pass before being offered the role.

Recent research amongst 1600 adults in the UK found that “the biggest recruitment bugbears for jobseekers was not being told that their attempts at employment had been unsuccessful (46%), followed by lack of feedback about their application (39%).”

But why is it important to give feedback?  Should you give feedback to successful and unsuccessful candidates?  And what are the secrets to giving good interview feedback?

Being turned down for a job isn’t fun.  We’ve all been there and it can be highly disappointing (particularly if the candidate has had a number of rejections).  However there are a number of reasons why you should give feedback after an interview, regardless of the outcome.

1. Lead by example. By giving feedback, you set the example that you appreciate good communication and practice what you preach. Good practices include: Keeping Notes, offering Useful advice and offering Comparisons to the kinds of candidates you are looking for.

2. Respect.  Think of how you’d feel, would you like to know the outcome either way? By giving the candidate some feedback, it shows you respect their time spent on their application. Respect means: Being Honest and Positive…and ALWAYS saying Thank You!

3. Reputation. Your reputation, be it personal or corporate is important to uphold.  The candidate is likely to share their experience with friends and family (unless they have signed a NDA), so make it the best experience it can be, pre, during and post interview.

Promise to give them a realistic timeline for your decision. Be open to potential Referrals and always trust your Gut!


Having decided you want to give feedback after the interview, review these 10 top secrets to give great interview feedback.


Being turned down for a job is never easy, but a good candidate should hopefully receive the feedback with grace and openness and use it to improve themselves.  Rejection can be a hard pill to swallow, but it demonstrates the integrity of the candidate on how they take rejection.

Did you enjoy our tips to giving great feedback after an interview?  Do you need help recruiting a new member of staff?  Polo & Tweed recruit for clients around the world.  Why not get in touch with us today to see how we can help you with your next member of staff?

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