Problems with Staff


Published on February 29, 2024

Are you a manager or even a principal who has problems with the staff? You are not alone.
Many staff Inherit bad habits from previous jobs or staff that they have worked with.
Some have never been fully trained. So, they don’t really know what they are doing. Learning on the job can often be a good way if they are shown the right way. Although time does not always permit this in some situations. Some staff work alongside other staff to learn the ropes and this is a great way to learn as long as you have a good mentor with a can-do attitude.

Personal Issues

Whilst they say never to bring home life to work this may not be possible. What goes on out of work can affect how they are at work. It could be something life changing for them, something that leads them to worry about the future of their job but they do not know how to approach their boss to discuss this? We are all humans and life happens, showing empathy can go a long way to staff.


In any work place if there is a lack of communication then this can be where most of the problems with staff lie. When good communication is effective then everyone feels content. Often we are faced with multi nationalities which is wonderful. Sometimes we are faced with language barriers and this can be where there is a communication breakdown or segregations. Try and bring the team together by working with lots of different staff if possible. It’s surprising how quick a new language can soon become second nature when using it on a daily basis.

Are you Approachable?

Do staff ask for help and you don’t answer? Is their day a guessing game like playing the lottery? Sometimes you have to look in the mirror. Consider how you are as a member of the team, try and make yourself someone who is always approachable. If you are the principal it may be that staff are unsure if they should approach you or not. However you want this to run you need to make this clear to all staff from the beginning. Consider the fact that some staff may have worked in previous households with a completely different set-up. We always advise that people should ‘never assume’.

The Need for Appraisals

Many households do not hold regular staff appraisal meetings. It really doesn’t matter how few staff you have, if there are employees then appraisal meetings really need to be held. Do this as often as you like, it may only be needed once a year. However, it allows for freedom of communication and for everyone to speak about their employment. Together a plan can be made to improve or change a situation. It’s a way of tracking progress.


Is there a hierarchy in place? Maybe there is not enough staff for this? However staff must still respect who they work for. If they don’t, then consider why this is the case. Respect is a two way street. Without hierarchies teams are much less likely to unite to achieve a common goal. With a clear hierarchy then it lends itself to have maximum communication and for everyone to report through the correct channels.


It is always a good idea to have good structure in place with the staff. Job roles and overlaps can sometimes mean there is frustration, jealousy or confusion

Consider the following:
Do they know how to behave at work?
Do they have a daily list?
Is there a schedule?
Who oversees what they do each day?

Is the household formal? Or it could be the opposite and be too friendly with staff-no boundaries. Sometimes this can be as case where when staff they started their job it was just them and it was a more casual working environment. However, 3 house moves later and 15 more staff has led into the household being run like a mini business with several employees.

What Type of Person Works in Private Residences?

This industry is not for everyone and that’s ok. The job can be a demanding job and staff are expected to be flexible and adaptable constantly. Staff should be people pleasers and enjoy working as part of a team. They should be open to new ideas and suggestions of improvements. With a good ability to communicate well and feel comfortable and confident at work.

If you are facing current problems with staff, then Polo and Tweed can help. Did you know that our industry experts provide consultancy services? Get in touch today, our consultants are readily available to help you.

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