Organization Tips for Housekeepers Working in Large Houses


Published on January 15, 2024

Being organized can help reduce stress and help you feel refreshed. Take a look at some organization tips for housekeepers working in large houses.

The Key to Organisation is to Delegate

It’s impossible to do it all on your own. Not only that but you shouldn’t do it all on your own when you have a team to help you. Think of the saying ‘many hands make light work’. Even if you are the head housekeeper. Good leaders learn how to get the most from their team. Some people excel in certain areas, use this expertise. They may relish the idea of clearing out the laundry room, others may be a whizz on a comp and can update or create an inventory in no time.

Cupboards Clean and Tidy

We all have the best intentions of keeping everything tidy all the time but sometimes this is out of our control. Aim to clear out all the cupboards by working as a team and going through them room by room. This way the teams memory will be fresh and you can take note of any duplicate items that are not stored together.

Store Like a Pro

Invest in good quality storage containers for a multitude of items. Whilst out shopping then treat yourself to a label maker if the budget allows. Allowing for clearly signed shelves and storage boxes means that everything has a home. As soon as you start to do this you will see how neat and tidy everything is and then it’s much easier to maintain. Measuring spaces and taking a look online can be an efficient way of getting exactly what you need.
Decant everything into containers from cereals to toilet paper. It will look neater, be a noticeable difference and easier to use. It also allows for you to be able to see when you get low on items at a quick glance. It’s efficient.


Keep inventories up to date. Stay on top of this task and it won’t be so daunting or overwhelming. Staying organised is one of the best tips for any housekeeper.
Creating diagrams of how items such as bed sheets are to be folded. This means everyone does it right the first time, consistency is key. Post the diagrams in the laundry and cupboards where they are stored.

Create daily weekly routines for all staff and lists of jobs to do when it’s a quieter time this way you can plan ahead and also keep on top of everything.
Creating lists is generally the way to go, and if it’s shared it means everyone can be involved. It feels good to check items off a list, paper or digital.
Schedule in help from external companies such as carpet cleaners, marble polishers or even carpenters to build extra shelves to aid organization

Cleaning Products

Scale down on the cleaning products. At nearly every household staff end up inheriting lots of cleaning products that are old or too strong to consider using. Throwing the products out is the best bet, not only will this make room,  but it will also mean they won’t accidentally get used. Experienced housekeepers know that there is no need for Bleach in a home. If it’s there someone will use it and it may destroy a surface or the principal’s clothing. Try not to see this as wasteful, truth be told it was wasteful that they were purchased in the first place. Bicarbonate of soda, white vinegar and fairy liquid will now become your main staple in the cleaning process. Scaling down on items that you really do not need will leave room for you to bulk buy and help maintain budgets and this means less shopping trips too!

Laundry Room

A busy room in any household. An area which benefits from being tidy. Make a point of tidying and cleaning and then getting into the habit of cleaning at the end of the day and returning any items that do not belong there. The laundry area always seems to become a dumping ground for items that were left in pockets or items that were left in guest rooms.

By staying organized, you will save time looking for things and will have more time to work on important tasks. Staying organized can help the Housekeeping team be more productive. This will also improve the flow of communication with the team.

If you have any organization tips for housekeepers working in houses then we would love to hear from you in the comments.

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