What Does a Nanny/Housekeeper CV Need?

woman and child

Published on March 6, 2017

Have you seen your dream nanny/housekeeper job being advertised? Act fast! There’s no doubt you’re perfect for the role, but other candidates will be trying to secure it too. To stand out, you need a stellar CV. But what exactly should your nanny/housekeeper CV contain?

As professional recruiters we know from experience what works and what doesn’t, so we put together this guide to help you. Here are our best tips on what to include in your nanny/housekeeper CV, and how you should present it to clients. Read on to find out more!

A Memorable Photo

Your CV is going to need a photo. It’s your first connection with the client: it personalises and humanises you and allows you to connect on a visible level with any prospective employers.

Tips for taking a good picture:

  • Natural light is much more flattering than artificial light
  • Avoid blurry photos and selfies
  • Never take a photograph in a bathroom
  • Make sure your hair and makeup is tidy and natural, and keep facial hair trimmed
  • Smile! You’ll show off your friendliness
  • Wear clothes that are smart and clean- think a shirt, rather than a tracksuit


Keep to the Point

If you have lots of relevant experience, that’s good news for your nanny/housekeeper CV. Just don’t let your CV be overwhelmed with information- it should be no longer than two or three pages.

Introduce yourself at the beginning of your CV with a short summery paragraph. It will catch the client’s attention and give a good first impression.

Start with your most recent position, it’s much more relevant than a job you had 30 years ago!


Show Off Your Personality

Make your CV your own with a bit of personalisation! #dreamjob #tips Share on X

We’re often asked what the best nanny/housekeeper CV looks like, and we often say that it’s one which has been personalised. This isn’t an exercise in graphic design, but some photos at the end of your CV, or a layout which is interesting yet still easy to read are good ways you can show your character to an employer.


Keep Contact Information Up to Date

When you apply for a nanny/housekeeping job, make sure you update your CV with all the most recent contact information- including your own.  Make sure your address and mobile number are correct, and the information for your references too.

Clients are busy and don’t have time to play detective in order to reach you.  A phone number is very important, as an email could end up in your spam folder.

Adding your location is also important, so clients know the area you’re currently living an working in.


A Sample Nanny/Housekeeper CV

We see hundreds of nanny/housekeeper CVs each week, so we have a great example CV for you to download and use. In return, please share this blog with your colleagues and friends who also need a nanny/housekeeper CV, and let us know if it helps you find your dream job!

Simply download the file below and insert your own details, and look forward to securing your dream nanny/housekeeper position soon.


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