Is It Time For A Second Nanny?


Published on April 11, 2021

Do you know when you should think about hiring a second nanny? You might have a nanny already at the moment. You might be very happy with them and their work. And how they fit in with your family and children. But there slowly but surely, might be tasks that go uncompleted. Perhaps your nanny feels they are running out of time every day. Or, perhaps you have recently had another baby. Any other change of circumstances could also mean that perhaps it is time for a second nanny. It’s important to make a well-informed decision before you start looking to hire another person.

So is it time for a second nanny?

Tasks Are Not Being Completed

A first obvious sign to know when it might be time for a second nanny is when you notice that some or many nanny tasks are not being completed. Is your nanny struggling to get through their to-do list of the day? Are they running around stressed, trying to make all appointments, pick-ups and drop-offs, for example? Or perhaps they are trying to get all tasks and jobs in, but they are rushing and therefore forgetting things, and making mistakes.

All of these could be signs that there are simply too many tasks in a day for your nanny to complete. One person simply cannot be at two places at once. And it can happen, especially if you have not had your nanny for that long. It can be quite difficult at first to understand how realistic the daily tasks for your nanny may be. It might take a lot longer than you initially thought when you created the tasks and job specification. Sometimes it can take several months for this to become clear. That one nanny simply cannot cover everything that is needed.

There is also nothing wrong with you wanting your nanny to do lots of tasks. You can set the standards and expectations. However, they need to be realistic. If you really want one person to do everything, then you might have to accept the fact some tasks won’t be done to the highest level. Or, indeed, consider looking into a second nanny. Perhaps even part-time might be enough. To help with after school care, for example. There are only so many hours in a day. And you also need to make sure your nanny does not get overworked or not has an opportunity for any breaks.

You Have Expanded Your Family

Firstly: congratulations! Another baby is a very exciting time for any family. But also a very busy one. Whether you are going from one to two children, or from two to three, over even more. The change will take time to adjust to. As well as for your nanny!

So another reason why it might be time for a second nanny is when there are simply too many tasks with a new child, too. If you want specific newborn care, you really should look for a Maternity Nurse, Instead of having your current nanny take care of your new baby. And with another child, the nanny’s workload has probably increased a lot – if not doubled! Is that realistic? This is probably an excellent time to consider a second nanny. Or a specific temporary maternity nurse.

Two Nannies Can Work Efficiently Together

If you recognise any of the above scenarios, a suitable solution might be to find a second nanny. It could potentially solve a lot of issues that are occurring. Making sure your children get the attention they need and deserve. No pickups or drop-offs are being delayed. And that the whole household is running smoothly. Two nannies can work really well together to make sure your children(s) lives are running smoothly. As well as yours! It can be very practical to have two people do different school runs. Or indeed, to have one person specialise in maternity and baby care. So that the nanny can focus on the other children. It can be that you hire a second nanny for part-time hours. Just on the very busy days that you know your first nanny needs extra help.

Is Your Nanny Suited for the Job?

There is one important thing you need to think about before you rush to find a second nanny. Take a moment to consider whether you indeed need a second nanny. Or perhaps your current nanny is actually not suited for the job. Is the issue genuinely that there is too much to do? Your nanny can be the loveliest person. Your children may adore them. But if they cannot work efficiently, it simply will not work.

Hiring a second nanny before thinking about this will not solve the problems. It may give your current nanny some temporary relief, but you won’t fully solve the problem.

Simply put, before it is time for a second nanny, make sure that your original nanny is actually suited for the job. If you feel they are not completing tasks in time, but there is plenty of time to do so? Make sure you talk to your nanny. Always flag your concerns and find out how they are feeling. It might be that they also feel it is not the right job for them. So then you would be better off finding a new nanny that suits your house and family, rather than hiring a second one straight away.

How can Polo & Tweed help?

Do you think it is, or might be time for a second nanny? Polo & Tweed can help! Our highly experienced consultants would love to speak to you, to identify the issues with your current nanny and see what can be done. We have worked with many families for many years, and really understand what every household and family need. We can offer solutions and find the best second nanny for you. Whether it is a maternity specialist, part-time childcare support or perhaps to get a rota nanny set up. There are many solutions we can tailor make for your family. So contact us now to see how we can help!

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