How To Find A London Governess


Published on April 13, 2017

Finding a London governess for your family can seem a daunting task, but there are a few things you can do to help focus your search. Before you start looking for your governess from London, take time to think about what you are looking for. What do you want to achieve? Are there any particular goals you have in mind? What tasks do you want your new employee to undertake? When do you expect her to work? What qualifications would you like her to have? Is she going to be a live in member of staff, with room and board? If she is living in, where will her private space be? How much can you afford to pay?

Once you have answered those questions, you’ll then need to decide if you’re looking for a governess or nanny!


Governess vs Nanny: What is the Difference?

Not sure whether you need a nanny or a governess? Read our guide! #helpful Share on X

Typically, a London governess is highly educated, often with a teaching qualification and experience as a nanny, tutor or teacher. She is responsible for educating your child, typically working with children who are upwards of 5 years old, although some families may choose to employ a governess from 3 years old.  A nanny may also be highly educated, but will work with babies upwards, providing a caring, nurturing environment and looking after all your child’s needs.

Depending on your own family you may choose to have both a nanny and governess who work together. In this situation, the nanny undertakes the general nursery duties, whilst the governess oversees the child’s education. You will need to keep in mind that your nanny and governess will be working together as a team. Both parties need to be happy and prepared to do this. If you plan to bring a London governess in to work alongside your existing nanny, you will need to speak to her and consider drawing up a new contract for her, especially if her responsibilities or hours will change. You may also choose to employ a London governess alone.



Depending on how you choose to educate your child, your governess will facilitate and enhance this education. Your choice of education for your child will be key to finding the correct London governess for your family.

Do you wish your governess to educate your child at home full time? If so, you might consider someone with previous experience of this, or find someone who is able to teach a full and rounded timetable of subjects to a high standard.

Will your child be attending school? If so, the governess can liaise with the school, and provide further tuition in weaker areas. She could also help with preparation for passing exams and assessments. You might consider looking for a specialist in a particular subject, such as a second language or music.

Your London governess will also liaise with you to ensure your child is being educated the way you wish. She is looking after your precious child, so a good working relationship with her is essential. She will be teaching your child how to behave, the right etiquette, and will ensure your child’s day is organised.

There are a large number of things to consider, and every family is different. Once you have thought through all these things, you are then in a position to draw up a realistic job specification. A good recruitment agency will be able to help and guide you. They have a wealth of experience in the area and will know all the right questions to ask you, so that you and your potential candidates are clear in what you are looking for.


Start the Search

Once you have written your job specification, you may choose to advertise your vacancy privately or use an agency. It is a good idea to ask all potential candidates to submit a CV, so that you can create a short list of candidates you would like to interview. An agency can save you a large amount of time here as they will provide you with a small selection of candidates that best match your criteria. You can then choose who you would like to interview.

Interviewing is essential and you should spend the time at this point deciding if the candidate is right for you or not. Once you have found your perfect London governess it is a very good idea to trial her for a period of time. A paid trial can be for however long you feel is necessary for all parties to decide whether the pairing is a good fit or not.


Get Expert Help

The whole process of choosing a London governess can seem extremely daunting. A good specialist recruitment agency will be able to guide you through the whole process. If you are looking specifically for a governess from London, using an agency based in London is likely to provide you with a greater choice of candidates. By knowing what you are looking for, you are much more likely to find your perfect London governess.


If you need any other advice from Polo & Tweed, or would like our help finding a perfect London governess for your family, why not drop us a line today?


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