How to Care for Orchids 


Published on December 18, 2023

We love Orchids and there are so many homes that choose to have them instead of cut flowers. This can be a cost-effective option if you know how to care for orchids.

What Do We Know About Orchids

Orchids have long been known as symbols of good health and purity and many years ago were believed to have brought good luck to those that grew them. There are over 25,000 different species of orchid, they take 5 years from being germinated to bloom and the flowers are symmetrical. Well cared for orchids will last for about 15-20 years. 

What does a Healthy Orchid look like

Its leaves are more of an olive green shade rather than dark green, if they are dark green then they are not receiving the right amount of light. If the leaves are more yellow then they are receiving too much sunlight. The leaves should also be stiff and upright, if they are limp it could be there is a watering issue.

Where is the Best Place for Orchids?

Orchids like many flowers and plants grow best in warmer temperatures, its roots will grow. The leaves will be healthy in colour and the best part is they will flower. In order for the orchid to flower it uses a lot of energy. If there isn’t enough energy stored then your orchid may grow wonderful healthy leaves and roots yet may be unsuccessful in flowering. In Cooler temperatures the orchid will take more of a hibernation approach and take a rest. So finding the right temperature can be tricky and maintaining consistency is key .Bright yet indirect light is important, so a windowsill where it faces east or west is ideal. A window that has a sheer or a blind can provide the ideal set up.

How to care for and Maintain A Healthy Orchid

We tend to water the roots as well as the leaves as orchids lose water through their leaves in the form of oxygen and then in turn absorb carbon dioxide. Spritzing leaves therefore is advisable. Depending on the type of Orchid you have will make a difference of the temperature it requires, warm growing orchids like 16-18 C at night and 19-29C during the day, cool growing orchids like 13-15 C at night and around 20-24C during the day. Fans are a good solution to regulate the temperature and air circulation can prevent disease. Cracking a window at night during summer months can be the ideal way of bringing the temperature down. Seed mats with smart plugs can also be another option for maintaining temperature.

What to do if you see your Orchid is Dying

After your orchid blooms it will need trimming, this will encourage a healthy growth of leaves and roots. Cut the flower back to its base. Most orchids die because they are overwatered. Orchids will need less watering after its blooms. If the leaves become limp you may want to consider repotting with a dry potting mix. Also if the roots hang over it’s likely to need a larger pot, ensure that orchids are repotted just before spring as this is the blooming season and it gives the plant the best start. You may need to adjust your watering schedule or perhaps the temperature and location. Orchid food can be added to your watering schedule, follow product label instructions for this. This will ensure the correct care for your orchid.


Before watering, please do check the moisture content in the pot, if you stick your finger in the pot and it dries it needs watering during the day. That way they have had a chance to dry out before the night time temperature decreases.

It’s a common misconception orchids like fairly consistent temperature, therefore adding an ice cube contradicts this. The tip of using an ice cube came about as a way to suggest the correct amount of water used each time. Unfortunately at times this can lead to under-watering. Some plants come with moss in the pot, this is very absorbent. There is a concern that by soaking the pot in water that the moss stays wet for a while and this can result in the roots rotting, sometimes its possible to remove the moss for watering and return it to the pot after. Most come with a type of pine bark and this is ideal as its well-draining, however be sure to water copiously.

The best advice to keep your orchids healthy is to do some research to understand where they grow naturally. Try and replicate the environment in your home, try not to panic. They have the same care needs as other plants that bloom, they just need a consistent care schedule.

How Can Polo & Tweed Help?

If all this advice seems a little overwhelming along with all your daily duties our expert trainers have a wealth of knowledge in all fields. They can come into your home on a consultancy basis or for private training. If you would like to know more contact us online or by calling +44(0)203 858 0233 to speak with our Training Department.


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