Hire a Family Personal Assistant to Improve Family Relationships

Published on November 1, 2017

Do you feel like there are never enough hours in the day? Given that an average person sleeps for 8 hours in a day, that means that an average person will sleep for 229,961 hours in their lifetime. Or basically one-third of their life! Do you wish we could invent a miracle pill to allow us to use that extra third wasted to sleep, on doing the things we love?

It seems in our modern lifestyles, with all the mod-cons from kettles that turn on via your iPhone to alerts to movement in your house when you are away, we still don’t have enough time for ourselves. How often do you say to yourself, ‘I’d love to do that if I had the time’, or ‘I must do that’, and your to-do list never seems to get smaller?

So what solutions are there?

Hire a Family Personal Assistant

It might seem like an unusual solution, but more and more families and individuals are looking to hire a personal assistant. No longer is a personal assistant reserved for the rich and famous, now normal working families are taking advantage of the benefits that hiring a family personal assistant can bring to their quality of life. After all, what is life about if we don’t have the quality time to do the things we love and enjoy?

More and more families and individuals are looking to hire a personal assistant. Share on X

Married or Cohabiting Partners

One couple who came to us spoke about how throughout the day they would lead such a busy working life (one was a lawyer the other was a teacher). In the evenings they were both so tired that their basic life tasks from home repairs through to buying a new light bulb would be ignored or put on their ever growing to do list. This was the cause for many disagreements in the relationship.

So they came to us and we helped them hire a family personal assistant. She was a remote PA (the couple prefer it that way), and during the day and evening, when the couple had things they needed to share, they would send it to her. She managed the items on the list and completed any tasks she was asked to do.

The light bulb was ordered, the builder was booked for home repairs, everything got done. It meant that when the couple returned from work each evening they were able to spend their time doing the things they enjoy doing together. Hiring a family personal assistant is the best decision they ever made.

Mothers & Children

Mums and their children is another area where frustrations can grow. Mothers typically spend a great deal of time with their children when they are at a young age. They often return part-time to work, and some choose to stay exclusively at home to look after the family, while others go back to work full time – all admirable decisions.

And yet, as the children grow older, life becomes busier with after-school activities, parties, school commitments and more. Mums who work full-time often feel guilty that they can’t commit to everything. Those that have more time end up feeling like a glorified taxi service and the quality time that all mums feel and spend with their children is greatly reduced.

One mum came to us at the end of her tether. She’d had enough of managing the PTA (Parent, Teacher Association) meetings and child club activities whilst working full time. She needed help. So we helped her hire a family personal assistant on a part-time basis who was based near to their home.

The mother loved to have some contact with the ‘grown-up’ world, and the PA would spend 25 hours a week at her house. The PA would help with some household errands (dry cleaning, recruiting a new housekeeper etc). But most importantly, managing the family’s busy schedule and diary.

Because she made the decision to hire a family personal assistant, it meant that she could clear her mind and focus on quality time with her children. A perfect result.

Fathers & Children

Fathers and children are often an area that goes unrecognised. It can be quite normal that fathers work full time. And although not always, might be less present during the early years of the child’s life. Especially compared to the mothers who take extensive maternity leave). As the children grow, fathers will see them when they return from work and when they are on holiday. But often time passes quickly and many fathers speak of missing precious time with their children.

Some single fathers often struggle with giving children the support and love they need whilst working full-time jobs to support the family. One single father came to us with this very issue. He ran a successful business and would often travel and work long hours. The time he spent with his teenage children was becoming fleeting and he hated that he couldn’t spend enough time with them. Despite being hugely successful at business, he hadn’t considered hiring a personal PA (he had one for his business).

So we helped him hire a family personal assistant. Who did a mixture of remote and in-situ working on a full-time basis. She would help him with all aspects of family life, from booking holidays to dealing with his dry cleaning. But most importantly, ensuring that his diary was clear to spend as much time as possible with his children.

She would also liaise with his office PA and make sure any additional work duties that filtered into home life was dealt with. His life radically changed. He was now able to spend all his precious free time (of which there was more) with his children. His children loved it.

How Can Polo & Tweed Help?

We all cherish our loved ones, from our husbands and partners to our children. But life has a funny way of forcing us to concentrate on tasks that are more mundane. And distract us from those precious loved ones. We’ve seen it all before, and what’s more, we’ve helped all these wonderful families hire a family personal assistant. We’d love to help strengthen your household relationships, so why not drop us a line today and see how we can help you.

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