You Should Hire Private Care for your Pets

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Published on June 6, 2020

Britain is a nation of pet lovers. It is estimated that just the UK spends over 7 billion pounds on our beloved dogs, cats, and other animals. And not just the UK, worldwide more and more people find their pet as an important, if not a central part of their family. So when you are spending money on the best possible nutrition, designer collars, and luxury beds. You should hire private care for your pets. It is a great and worthwhile investment to make

So, what kind of private care is out there for your pets?

Although we all love our animals, managing their well being on a day to day basis can be challenging. They are, after all, a big responsibility and require planning and organisation. Whether you are in a full-time job, or if you are at home. Making sure your pet stays stimulated and active all day can be extremely time-consuming. Let alone the limitations of bookings holidays or that spontaneous weekend away.

There are many options to help in caring for your pets. Things such a daycare and dog walking. And services where people will pop into your house to take your pets for a quick wee or top up their food. These are all great options, but can come with its limitations. Perhaps your pet is not very comfortable with many other animals around him. So that would exclude daycare or walks with many other dogs there. Also, with these big setups there sometimes also can be a lack of personal attention for your pet when they need it. And the risk of them disappearing into the background. Finally, if you are having your pet in full-time care, it can get expensive quite quickly. Alternative options are out there, and can be much more suited. This is why you should hire private care for your pets!

Alternative options for pet care

Saving money: Dual roles

There are alternative options out there that you might not even know existed. A great option to get more value for your money is looking at hiring someone privately who covers a dual role. Here you can think about Nanny/pet care, Housekeeper / Pet care, or even a PA/pet care.

If you are looking for a new housekeeper/nanny/PA for your household or looking to replace existing staff. This might be the time to look for someone who is highly experienced working with animals in previous jobs.

Before you hire private care for your pets, make sure to have a realistic look at all the non-pet related tasks you would want them to fulfill. Make an overview of these tasks and have a look how that can fit in with caring for your pets.

But the options are more flexible that you might think. If you have a full-time housekeeper, nanny or PA, pet care can fit quite well within their day. Taking care of your pet will simply become a part of their tasks. They will be spending lots of time in your house already. Knowing the family routine and making the pets feel comfortable around them. Whilst you are out, travelling or at work they will be able to provide your pets with the much-needed stability, routine, and attention.

And when you and your family are away on a trip, you can leave your pets in the trusted care of the PA/nanny/housekeeper. Knowing that not only they will be in safe, familiar hands. Your house will be looked after too!

Specialist Private Pet Care

Another option is looking at specific care for your pets. If you are in no need of other staff, or you might already have this in place, having a specific person who looks after your pets can be an extremely worthy investment. It consists of so much more than just walking a dog, feeding a cat, or cleaning a cage here. You can find someone who has solid knowledge with the specific animal you have, and their sole job will be the care and wellbeing of them.

Dog training can also be a part of this. Your dog might be struggling with structure or obedience. An older animal that has health issues and needs close monitoring or rehabilitation after an operation, or getting used to medication. Or simply stimulation, love and activities on a daily basis that you might not be able to offer in your busy day to day schedule.

Having someone specifically there for your pet creates a tailor made environment which can be especially helpful if there are any issues, worries, concerns or if you just want to make sure that your beloved pet gets all the best attention in the world!

How can Polo & Tweed Help?

We love all animals at Polo & Tweed! We have a lot of lovely, experienced pet carers on our books. As well as Nannies, Housekeepers, and PAs who are great and experienced caring for pets. Why not get in touch to chat with one of us about the options. We offer short term (think: last-minute cover for a day, a weekend, or longer periods) and part-time/full-time staff who will keep you and your pets very happy!


  1. Rani Singh says:

    Me and my partner love all animals and pet’s – would love to pet sit.

    • LucyChallenger says:

      That’s great! We love all animals too! It’s a wonderful job to look after animals when you have a passion for it! 🙂

  2. Fulvia Colao says:

    I’m an Italian lady and I’m an animal lover.
    I have a lot of experience in around the world with wild animals and domestic pets. (dogs-cats).Feel free to contact me anytime,l can provide also reference in London.
    Kind Regards

    Fulvia Colao

    • Aafke Meelen says:

      Hello Fulvia,
      Thank you for your message – that sounds like you have had some amazing jobs! If you would be interested to register on our books, you can go to this link on our website here and complete the registration form!

  3. Kathleen says:

    Hi, my name is Kathy, I live in London and have looked after dogs and cats over many years in my home, but only one family at a time, I always give specialist care and attention to each individual animal, including administering medication.

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