10 Reasons to Hire a Housekeeper


Published on April 18, 2019

Hiring a housekeeper can be the solution to help you balance your busy work and lifestyle. Here are the top 10 reasons you should hire a housekeeper for your home. Share on XLife is busy. Have you ever wished for a few more hours in the day? Perhaps you’d like to relax, spend more time with your family, or focus on a new project with work? Hiring a housekeeper can be the solution to help balance your work and busy life.

You may have considered hiring a housekeeper in the past but weren’t sure where to start. Perhaps you were embarrassed to ask your friends for a contact, as after all, we are taught at a young age to clear up after ourselves!

But as with work, we outsource to specialists. Your accountant will do your books. Your lawyer will help you buy a house. The same can be considered for domestic tasks – a housekeeper can help clean and care for your home!

So what are housekeeper duties, and what are 10 reasons you should hire a housekeeper?

What Are Housekeeper’s Duties?

A good housekeeper will do exactly what you need them to do, in order to help your home and property run smoothly. These duties might include those listed below – but remember, a housekeeper can adapt to your specific needs:

  • All cleaning duties, including deep cleaning, spring cleaning, and general tidying
  • House Management, organization, de-cluttering
  • Dusting, vacuuming, laundry, ironing, wardrobe management
  • Stock inventory and care of equipment
  • Pet Care
  • Running errands and shopping
  • Cooking
  • Childcare
  • Dealing with contractors
  • Light gardening
  • Silver polishing
  • Packing and unpacking

10 Reasons Why Should you Hire a Housekeeper

1. You work long hours.

If you work long hours, it’s perfectly reasonable to want to come home and relax!  Why should you work lengthy hours to spend the weekend cleaning your home?  You need to have downtime, and your housekeeper will allow you to return to a beautiful and clean home.

2. You have a busy family home.

having children, or animals, or lots of guests means the amount of laundry and dirt build up in a house. A good housekeeper will ease the pressure and ensure that you can focus on your family and friends.

3. You have a new baby.

Often new parents or families feel a greater strain when a new baby arrives. Mum is focused on the little one and she’s often exhausted.

Your housekeeper will allow you to focus on the baby and ensure that mum isn’t fraught with too many house duties along with baby duties.

4. You need a hand with your pets or children.

Perhaps you just need an extra pair of hands to help watch the children if you have to work a few extra hours. Or perhaps you’d like your dog taken for a walk during the day when you’re out at work.

Your housekeeper will be happy to step in with other errands and assist in making life easier!

5. You don’t like cleaning.

It’s good to be honest with yourself. If you don’t like cleaning, and you can afford to pay someone to do it, then make the decision to get a professional to do the job you don’t like! There’s no shame in outsourcing a job you don’t like!

6. You aren’t very good at cleaning.

Perhaps you don’t have the patience for it, or maybe you were never shown the best ways to clean. Again, the concept of outsourcing the skill to a professional is something we readily do in our professional life, but are more hesitant in our private life.

But trust us – a professional will do the job in half the time, and you’ll be free to do things you enjoy!

7. You travel regularly.

If you travel regularly for work or pleasure, your home will often be left empty. This is a security risk, and properties shouldn’t be left without being aired and maintained.

By having a housekeeper pop in when you are away to air and clean the property, you have peace of mind that it’s being looked after. And that when you do return, it will be to a fresh and lovely space.

8. You want to give support to elderly people.

Many individuals with elderly family members look to get a housekeeper to give additional support and sometimes companionship to the elderly members.

A good housekeeper might be tasked with cooking some lunch, or running errands, and ensuring that the house is tidy and free from trip hazards.

9. You have regular guests.

The more people you have in your home, the more pressure you will feel to keep it clean and tidy. Plus, if you love to entertain, it’s much nicer knowing someone else will help with the clearing up!

10. You deserve it!

There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself. We all work hard. If you can invest in having more free time to do the things you enjoy, what’s the point in working so hard?

How Will You Benefit from Hiring a Housekeeper?

The key benefit from hiring a housekeeper is that it gives you the time to focus on what’s important. This varies for everyone. It could be having more time to work, more time to spend with your family or friends, more time to travel, or just more time to relax!

The benefits of hiring a part-time or full-time housekeeper will become very apparent. And you’ll wonder why you didn’t hire a housekeeper earlier!

Why Is Polo and Tweed The Best Housekeeper Recruitment Agency for Your House?

Polo & Tweed are the leading experts in domestic recruitment. We are a global agency and work with clients from London through to New York and Sydney!

We match the right housekeeper to the right home. Whether you need a part-time, full-time, live-in or live-out housekeeper, we’ll find you the perfect match!

Polo & Tweed takes away the stress of recruitment from you, so you can sit back and browse through the vetted profiles we send you, then you can interview and try them out in your own time.

We then assist with formal offers. Once the housekeeper works for you, we are there to support you in the future should you need our help.

All our candidates are thoroughly vetted and we have a huge range of housekeepers on hand with various backgrounds and experience to match each and every client we work with. We would be delighted to discuss more about what you are looking for.

Please get in touch with us today and one of our helpful recruitment consultants will contact you to discuss the next steps.

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