What Can A Butler For a Day Do?

butler service

Published on February 9, 2023

It is great to hire a butler for a day, maybe for a special occasion or just to help you out for the day. If you’re going to hire a butler for a day be sure to get the most of your experience. But what can a Butler for a day do for you? Here are our recommendations for what to do with your Butler for a day:

Throw a party!

The traditional reason most people hire a Butler for a day is to help them out with a dinner party, a wedding, birthday party, or another special occasion. Having a butler at your dinner party is a great opportunity to impress your guests.  Your personal Butler can greet your guests, offer them refreshments on arrival and arrange the service from the kitchen to the guests.  They are then on hand to offer wine and other food/beverage services throughout the evening.

Learn about Silver Service

Butlers are experts in Silver Service. So why not hire a Butler for a day to learn a new skill? A Butler can teach you the art of Silver Service. How you should behave, what type of service should be expected and all the etiquette and forms of address. This can be a great way to use your Butler for a day if you get given this as a gift but aren’t quite sure what to ask from them! 

Go shopping!

You may decide to go a bit more low key and hire a butler just to help you out for the day. Maybe you want to go shopping but would like the luxury of not having to carry your own bags or drive around to the shops. Your chosen Butler can also act as your personal chauffeur, driving you from door to door, waiting outside the shops and then taking you along to any other appointments or meetings you have during the day. 

Help with daily tasks

Maybe you just need help around the house with smaller tasks like walking the dog.  Ask your Butler to complete all the daily tasks on your behalf.  They can walk your dog, pick up your laundry or run to the shops to get your favourite food.  Your Butler is your ultimate accessory and it will give you the opportunity to catch up on connecting with family and friends which have all been put on the ‘to do’ list.


Maybe you just need a bit of TLC and special treatment for the day. Is it a special occasion like your birthday? From answering the door, bringing you your mobile on a silver tray, preparing your lunch and just being at your beck and call.  It’s an utter luxury and utter decadence!

How can Polo & Tweed help you?

This is where we enter the picture! The top butlers in the business have worked with and been taught by Polo & Tweed. This enables us to be very selective about who we allow onto our books. Ensuring that whomever you choose to book will meet all of your requirements. Why not speak to one of our highly qualified consultants? In order to make it a day to remember, we’d love to talk with you and locate the perfect butler!


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