Silver Service Training for Butlers

Silver Service

Published on July 13, 2017

Silver Service is a historic and widely respected art form. Considered the traditional form of service, it is used in high-end hotels, restaurants, yachts, jets, chalets and of course in private homes.  It has a high level of technical ability and will include a number of sub-service variants which all vary depending on the specific form of Silver Service chosen.

So what options exist for Butlers or those in the hospitality industry looking to obtain a Silver Service certificate?

Research Training Options

Jump onto Google and start to research training options.  Take the time to review each company and the options they provide. Weigh up the costs and find out the location and length of the training.  Don’t assume the most expensive is the best or the cheapest is the worst.

As a training provider ourselves, we also encourage candidates to review our photos of previous training on our social media pages, and if students wish to speak to other students who have completed the course, they are always welcome to do so.

What to Expect from the Training

Silver Service training courses can be very different in length, depending on the various training providers. The Polo & Tweed silver service training course lasts three days. From our experience this has been and continues to be, a good amount of time to ensure that students have a clear grasp of all the theory, practical skills, reviews and feel confident with each module.

Having at least some form of practical element in any training is vital, as well as there being a practical and written assessment at the end of the training course. This is useful for the trainer to feedback, give tips and advice on how to improve and develop from there.

Bespoke Silver Service Training

Every household, hotel, yacht or other hospitality establishment is different, meaning there simply is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to training. Because of this, Polo & Tweed allows all their private courses to be tailor made exactly to the needs and wishes of you or your household, hotel, or yacht. You can select the modules that are right for you, to make sure the training will be efficient and focused solely on what you or your staff need to improve and learn.

We cover every skill required in Silver Service.  Some clients might not need specific skills, for example, private jet clients will not require cigar service due to smoking cigars not being permitted on board a plane.

Skills Learnt During Training

Theory and practice are the two cornerstones of the training course. The theory is where time is spent going in depth, understanding the history, background and facts. Practice is where everything comes together and the theory finds a place. Everything will start to make sense after observing the trainer and learning from the theory. As the saying goes ‘practice makes perfect’ and it really applies to Silver Service.

At the end of any training, the student will need to complete a written and practical assessment whilst the trainer will keep on monitoring the progress of the student.

How is the Training Course Taught?

Polo & Tweed use a variety of tried and tested training methods in both the theory and practical aspect of the course. The trainer will be using extensive training notes, the course handbook as well as a wide variety of props and a power point presentation. The power point presentation is used to give an overview and summary, as well as providing fun and interactive videos to stimulate the students and provide visualisation.

Besides the theory coverage, a large amount of time is spent actively practising and applying the theory to ‘real life’ situations.  The students are on their feet and learning how to set the table, clear the table, order of service etc.  From folding napkins to polishing silver, the practical application is repeated until perfect.

Finally, there is the possibility of scheduling field trips to some training as per the clients or students requirements.

The written and practical assessment will conclude the course.

Digital Handbook

All students are sent a digital module handbook before the start of the course. This is their personal handbook to keep and use to prepare for the training, use during and keep for after as a form of reference and a reminder when needed.

Many students consider this the ‘bible’ of information, and its digital format is ideal for handy and quick use on tablets, laptops, computers or smartphone. It enables the students to have all the information with the click of a button should they need it for future reference.

Silver Service Trainers

Our Polo & Tweed trainers are experts in their field. They are experienced in teaching and training, as well as being at the top of their game in their profession. Having worked for years and years in the industry, they use their inside knowledge, skills and experience to create a comprehensive, fun, complete and high-end training experience accessible to all.

Find out more

We’d love to hear from you if you are interested in learning more about our Silver Service Training for Butlers.  Why not drop us a line and one of our training consultants will get back in touch with you.

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