Questions Ask A RecruiterDo I need to interview with you first before you can send me for interviews with your clients?
cheryl asked 8 years ago

Lots of different agencies seem to operate differently. Will a Polo & Tweed consultant meet with me before I can go to interviews for your clients? I don’t live in London and I’m worried about the cost of the trip to come and see you.

3 Answers
mmHarry Hewlett Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Cheryl,

Thank you for your question.

At Polo & Tweed we would definitely want to meet you and speak to you, as part of our Registration Process. If we indeed have not worked with you before, one of us will contact you to either set up a face to face meeting or a Skype interview. Skype interviews are great alternatives to meeting face to face, if you indeed are not in the position to come visit us. It can also save you money for a trip to London, and gives you flexibility on registering with us, wherever you are in the world!

Hope this helps. This article might be helpful too, as it talks a bit more about what it is like to work with an agency to find you a job. You can, besides your registration process, reach us on our office phone number or via email if you ever want to go through anything, as we are here to help you.

hdwrixnh answered 7 months ago


dsjtoevm answered 7 months ago


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